The whole Sarah thing really comes as a shock to me. Did McCain pick her to get the women's vote? Are we really that simple that we vote for the woman, not the issues? Apparently, some women do, as I discovered in some of my conversations with other Alaska women. The fact that she really doesn't stand for many of the women's issues that women have fought for, doesn't seem to sway them. It's all about having the same body parts, not how to make sure we can take good care of our body parts, i.e. health care, the economy, a woman's right to choose.
Some people seem to be using the fact that Sarah was/is a popular governor as a reason that she's great, but let me remind you readers(wagging my finger "Sarah Style"), that the Alaska Republican's have renominated Ted Stevens in the primary elections to run as US Senator, a man currently under indictment by the Federal Government. And, then there's Don Young, who appears to have been renominated as the republican candidate for US House, having edged out Sarah's Second in Command, Sean Parnell. Please don't use the people up here as a barometer as to what makes a great leader. We vote for the guy/gal who gets us the most money
But there is hope.....
Last weekend, there was a "Alaska Women Reject Palin Rally", and here's a few pictures a neighbor of mine took. Read the story at the link.
I live on a great street in Anchorage. Lot's of political signs on our little street, none for Stevens, Young or McCain on this block. Several of my neighbors were at this rally. Have to remember to have block party next summer! Especially, since we will all be celebrating our new Democratic Senator, Mark Begich, our new Democratic US Representative, Ethan Berkowitz and our new President, Barack Obama. Hey, a lady can dream.
we've got to have hope! And we have to contact everyone we know in the lower-48 to get them to vote for Obama.
Alaska is lost; the rest of the country will have to do this.
I agree - and I'm appalled that any woman could say she supported Hillary and now supports McCain/Palin. Talk about not voting for the issues!
Over here from Ravelry and glad that I stopped in. Was feeling a tad dirty after visiting the pro-palin group where I read the discussion group of democrats now voting republican...sickens me to think that people think sarah is inspiring.
It's good to hear that there are women in Alaska who are speaking out and hopefully more will listen.
BTW- love your favorite books! Am a lefty also, but doing okay knitting right handed.
This is heartening to see, thanks for sharing!
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