What a great showing at the rally today.
This rally was to demand that the Palin Administration co-operate with the State Legislative Council's Probe and stop all the lies that have begun to sprout up since Palin was nominated as McCain's VP choice.
Some of the lies include: The State Legislative Council is a group of paritsan Democrats and that Walt Monegan was fired for poor job performance.
The truth: The State Legislative Council is a bi-partisan committee (8 Republicans and 4 Democrats) that voted unanimously to conduct the investigation. Walt Monegan has a record of 30 years of exemplary public servie to the State f Alaska, including his role of Com. of Public Safety.
Our State Attorney General, Talis Colberg, on advice of the McCain campaign, has filed suit to quash legislative subpoenas. This is an attempt by Colberg to protect himself from blatant and p9ossibly illegal intrusion into the legislative investigation, and to furthermore prevent the release of the report.
I carpooled with one of my great like-minded neighbor's and her families chickens. These are very pampered chickens and did real well at the rally. I'm pretty sure between all the news organizations that video'd or took pictures, they'll be famous chickens, too.
With my sign, I did have a friendly discussion, with a young man, who felt my sign may have been unfair to Sarah, since he believes it's not Sarah doing the cover-up, but actually McCain's Campaign. My reply, was that if he's right about the cause of the cover-up, then shouldn't Sarah live up to her values and stop the meddling and allow her supoena'd staff to speak to the State Legislative Council. He reluctantly nodded his head yes.
Probabally the most touching part was when Walt Monegan's mother, choking back tears, thanked the crowd for coming and showing support for her son. She helped to remind us that reason we were there was the injustice towards her son, a good man, and a good cop who really wants to make a difference with our public safety. Believe me, Alaska needs it.
1 comment:
Again, it's wonderful to see people who are thinking for themselves and not swallowing the crap being spoonfed to them by the McCain-Palin campaign. Thank you!
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