So, I've made it through the first day with these adorable kids and I think they're hooked. They all decided to skip recess so they could keep knitting.
Started out sitting together and sharing our names and if we have knitters in our families. Then decorated the canvas bags, which they seemed to have a good time doing. For picking their needle ends, I had them first pick a number from a hat so we could avoid, possibly, any arguments. Really, these are such nice kids, I probably didn't need to do this step. It was really interesting to see which needle ends they picked. The ones that I thought would be the first to go weren't. In fact, the pretty pink flower ends never even got picked and those were the ones I thought would be first to go.
Once we had the needles ready, we practiced the slipnot. Took about 20 minutes to get everyone doing one by themselves.
So now it was time to learn to cast-on. We're teaching the kids the double cast-on. A little more complicated, but they all ended up getting it. That took us quite a while to learn, and, as I'm left-handed, I was teaching with the wrong hand, until my assistant teacher, another knitting mom at school, pointed it out to me. So, I learned to do it right-handed with the kids. Once they learned it, boy, they were so excited and very eager to now learn to knit.
To learn to knit we ended up using the Front door........before the cat barfs, poem mentioned in a earlier post and they all like it a lot. Made sure they understood that the needle should still be wearing the scarf when it goes outside.
Most only got one row of 20 done today, and tomorrow, we're going to practice a few more rows, then decide on projects, cast-on the right amount and get to work. Not sure if we'll get any finished projects tomorrow, but I'll make sure they are far enough along to be able to finish at home. Plus, I'm at school every morning and let them know I could help them out anytime.
Looking forward to tomorrow. It really ended up being fun and now I have some new knitting buddies!