Sunday, August 10, 2008

Another Bear Warning Sign

A friend sent this to me with the title "Sign in Canada". Not sure if it's real, but with all the bad bear activity in Anchorage right know, it's pretty accurate.

There was a bear attack on Friday near the area I'd ridden with Ak Dirt Divas. We were in a loud group, which usually deters/spooks bears away, so we made extra sure to stay together on the ride and were very loud, including the bear bells and even a pepper spray with one biker.

At one point in our ride we had to make a route change after another biker had seen the sow and 2 cubs that have been in that area, and were responsible for an attack several weeks ago. This sow is believed to be the same one that attacked again on Friday.

It appears this bear does not have much longer for this world. Hopefully, a new bear won't take her place next year!

1 comment:

bikegirl said...

I like that last sentence on the sign. When I biked in yesterday, I started yelling as I rode the Tour trail. Managed to scare up a moose which ran across the trail & my thought was: did I scare it or is it being chased?

With this brownie, I think if she heard me yelling, she would hear: "hey, I'm a lone biker; come get me!" I don't know how to behave anymore.